
to the Voegelin-Zentrum für Politik, Kultur und Religion

Geschwister Scholl Institute

Ludwig Maximilians University  Munich (Director PD Dr. Christian Schwaabe)





The main task of the Voegelin Center, to be furthered by research and teaching, is to deepen the scholarly understanding of the areas of politics, culture and religion. The Center emerged from the Eric Voegelin Archive founded in 1990 by Peter J. Opitz which became an important focal point for the growing internationally conducted research into the works and legacy of Eric Voegelin. The Center will continue to pursue two thematic goals:


First, it will build on the Archive’s successful work of research and translation. The results of the continuing and growing concern with the works of Eric Voegelin are published in the Archive’s “Voegeliniana” series and in the series “Periagogeof  the publishing house of Wilhelm Fink (Munich).


Second, the Center will concern itself intensely with the areas of politics, culture, and religion:

in the form of lectures and seminars for the students of the Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science at the University of Munich, through scholarly symposia and workshops, through co-operation with other university faculties, and in providing support for the research of young scholars.



A full list of the series Voegeliniana, prices, and instructions for downloading can be found at


Manuscripts in English or German will be considered for publication in the Voegeliniana series. Please send enquiries and MS to



The Voegelin Center periodically renews and publishes a bibliography of Voegelin’s writings and of research on Voegelin. We would be grateful for news of any new publications for inclusion in the next edition. Please communicate such information to




A Selection of Recent Papers

- No. 62 -

Erich Voegelin: Rechtslehre, ed. Peter J. Opitz, January 2008, 47 pages


- No. 64 -

Peter J. Opitz / Thomas Hollweck: Zur geistigen Krise der westlichen Welt: Eric Voegelins Kritik an der Moderne, March 2008, 49 pages


- No. 65 -

Hermann Lübbe: Krisen zivilisatorischer Evolution. Über Säkularisierungszwänge, April 2008, 36 pages


- No. 66 -

Eric Voegelin: Vitoria: Interpolity Relations, May 2008, 50 pages


- No. 67 -

Ellis Sandoz: Mittelalterlicher Rationalismus oder Mystische Philosophie? Die Debatte zwischen Leo Strauss und Eric Voegelin, June 2008, 38 pages


- No. 68A -

Eric Voegelin: Geschichtsphilosophie. Lecture course 1965, part I, ed. Helmut Winterholler, July 2008, 67 pages


- No. 68B -

Eric Voegelin: Geschichtsphilosophie. Lecture course 1965, part II, ed. Helmut Winterholler, July 2008, 63 pages


- No. 70 -

Glenn Hughes: A Pattern of Timeless Moments: T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets as a Poetic Expression of Eric Voegelin's Philosophy of Existence and History, September 2008, 41 pages


- No. 74 -

Peter J. Opitz: Fragmente eines Torsos. Werksgeschichtliche Studien zu Erich Voegelins „Staatslehre“ und ihre Stellung im Gesamtwerk, March 2009, 115 pages

- No. 75 -

Hans Otto Seitschek: Raymond Arons Konzept der „politischen Religionen“. Ein eigener Weg der Totalitarismuskritik,

München,  June 2009, 53 S.


For information please contact:

Editor of the Voegeliniana Series

Prof. Dr. Peter J. Opitz, Tel. (0049-89) 2180-9059 (Tuesdays)


Layout Editor 
Anna E. Frazier, MA, Room 68 (Tuesdays)


Tel. (0049-89) 2180-9096 (Tuesdays)

Fax: (0049-89) 2180-9097

Voegelin-Zentrum für Politik, Kultur und Religion

Geschwister-Scholl-Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Oettingenstraße 67
80538 München
















