
Initially the study of Voegelin’s work IN GERMANY developed slowly. But now there are research centers at the Eric Voegelin Library of the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen, the political science (staatswissenschaftliche) faculty of the University of Erfurt, and, in 1990, the Eric-Voegelin-Archiv of the Geschwister-Scholl-Insitut for Political Science, was founded with the support of the Bavarian Ministry of Culture, the Ludwig-Maximilians-University, and the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.

The University of Munich, where Voegelin taught for a decade, is particularly suited to be the site of a more intensive engagement with his work: Voegelin founded its institute for political science which, in many areas, bears the stamp of his influence to this day. In 1982 the social science faculty transformed Voegelin's professorial chair into an international guest professorship. Such scholars as Hans Jonas, Geoffrey Barraclough, George McGovern, Wjatscheslaw Daschitschew, Juan Linz, and Hermann Lübbe have been appointed to Eric Voegelin Guest Professorship.

IN ORDER TO EXTEND and deepen its contacts with international Voegelin research the archive has received support from a circle of correspondents. At present this circle includes the following members:

DR. PAUL CARINGELLA                  Palo Alto/CA, USA

DR. SANDRO CHIGNOLA                Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy

PROF. BARRY COOPER                    University of Calgary, Canada

PROF. GUISEPPE DUSO                    Università di Padova, Italy

PROF. DANTE GERMINO +               Amsterdam, the Netherlands

PROF. THOMAS HEILKE                   University of Kansas, USA

PROF. MANFRED HENNIGSEN        University of Hawai’i, USA

PROF. M. CASTRO HENRIQUES       Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, Portugal

PROF. THOMAS HOLLWECK            University of Colorado at Boulder, USA

PROF. HENNING OTTMANN             Universität München, Germany

DR. GEOFFREY L. PRICE  +                University of Manchester, UK

PROF. ROBERTO RACINARO             Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy

PROF. ELLIS SANDOZ                          Louisiana State University, USA

PROF. PETER VON SIVERS                  University of Utah, USA

DR. TASHIO TERAJIMA                         Osaka, Japan

PROF. GIANFRANCESCO ZANETTI    Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy

IN ORDER TO FACILTATE a deeper scientific engagement with Voegelin's work the Eric-Voegelin-Archiv is dedicated to the construction of a supporting infrastructure. The furnishing of an Eric Voegelin library is well in progress. To date the following materials are present in the archive:

Primary Sources

Eric Voegelin Papers, located in the archives of the Hoover Institute, on 101 microfilms (biographical documents, correspondence, lectures, sketches, essays, book reviews, teaching material, dissertations, newspaper articles, etc.)
Voegelin's independent publications, or their translation into German
Approximately sixty essays, treatises, and book reviews written by Voegelin between 1922 and 1985
Lectures, transcribed or recorded, from the period in which he taught in Munich
Unpublished manuscripts and sketches
English, French, Italian, Portuguese, and Polish translations of Voegelin's work

Secondary Sources

The most important monographs and anthologies devoted to Voegelin's work and his scholarly interests
Several hundred essays from German and foreign newspapers and anthologies, above all from the United States, Italy, and the former West Germany
A comprehensive collection of book reviews on Voegelin's publications

THE CENTRAL FOCUS OF THE ARCHIVE’S WORK is the publication of Voegelin’s writings, especially the editing and supervision of translations of his English works into German. This work is carried out within three series of works, two of which published by the Fink Publishing House in Munich, and one by the Archive itself.

THE FIRST, AND THEREFORE THE OLDEST SERIES, Periagoge: Voegelin Texts, has several points of thematic focus. The first brings new editions of important works of Voegelin which have been out of print for many years.-In addition to The Political Religions (1938/1992) and Science, Politics, and Gnosis (1959/1999), a new German edition of The New Science of Politics (1959) was published in 2004. A second thematic focus is devoted to Voegelin’s posthumously published writings. Among others, these works include translations of central portions from the several thousand page long The History of Political Ideas, the original English text of which was published between 1997 and 1999 in the United States. The focus of the Periagoge series is on the German translation of Voegelin’s Order and History. This work, edited by Peter J. Opitz and Dietmar Herz and planned for ten volumes, began to appear in the Winter of 2001 and was completed in the Spring of 2005. The individual editors are internationally recognized experts on Voegelin’s work: Jan Assmann, Jörg Jeremias, Friedhelm Hartenstein, Jürgen Gebhardt, Thomas Hollweck, Manfred Henningsen, Paul Caringella, and Gilbert Weiss.

IN THE YEAR 2000 a second series of writings of important works on Voegelin was inaugurated under the name, Periagoge: Voegelin-Studies. The first work in this series was a study by Gilbert Weiss, Theory, Relevance, and Truth. A Reconstruction of the Correspondence between Eric Voegelin and Alfred Schütz (1938-59). Other works have followed: the international standard bibliography, Eric Voegelin: International Bibliography 1921-2000, by Geoffrey Price, for many years director of the Centre for Voegelin Studies at the University of Manchester, a study of the founding of the study of political science at the university of Munich by Thies Marsen, Between “Reeducation” amd Political Philosophy, Christian Schwaabes’s study, Freedom and Reason in Unreconciled Modernity. Max Weber's Critical Decisionism as a Challenge to Political Liberalism, and Michaela Rehm’s, Dialecticians of the Enlightenment. Rousseau’s Bourgeois Profession of Faith.

SINCE 1996, financially supported by the Eric-Voegelin-Archiv e.V. and the Luise Betty Voegelin Trust, the archive has published a series of Occasional Papers under the editorship of Peter J. Opitz and Dietmar Herz. In addition to printing smaller works of Voegelin, previously unpublished or works no longer in print (lectures, treatises, and correspondences), the series serves as an international forum for the engagement with Voegelin’s philosophy. Thus contributions to this series appear in the major western languages. The great resonance which the Occasional Papers have found is demonstrated by the fact that more than forty publications by German, American, and Italian authors have since appeared-

A FURTHER TASK of the archive is the organisation of scholarly conferences. In the first decade of its work the archive sponsored a number of international Eric Voegelin symposia which brought scholars from various countries together for lectures and the exchange of ideas on the various aspects of his work. Several of these symposia served as a scholarly accompaniment to the ongoing edition of Order and History, others were devoted to more general philosophical themes.

AS A SUPPLEMENT to scholarly conferences the archive organizes individual lectures: among the lecturers of the past years were Guiseppe Duso (University of Padua), Gilbert Weiss (University of Salzburg), Dante Germino (University of Amsterdam), Günter Winkler (University of Vienna), and William Thompson (Duquesne University, Pittsburgh).

A SPECIAL LECTURE SERIES was inaugurated in the Winter of 1995 under the title of “Meetings with Eric Voegelin”. Its primary purpose is to provide younger scholars with a forum where their work and research can be presented and discussed. Beginning in 2005 internationally renowned scholars will be invited to hold an annual Eric Voegelin Memorial Lecture.

EVEN BEFORE THE COMPLETION OF ONE OF THE ARCHIVE’S MOST IMPORTANT PROJECTS, the German edition of Voegelin’s Order and History, the archive began to direct its activities to a second important theme: research into the connection between politics, culture, and religion. Voegelin had very early pointed to the centrality of this connection and, in a number of studies, beginning with the cosmological empires of the Near East to the totalitarian empires of the 20th century, had analysed their structure. The intention to investigate further developments in the relationship between politics, culture, and religion (i.e., further derailments) in the 21st century emerges naturally from the tradition of these studies. The central focus is on three material complexes: the relationship of politics and religion in the pluralistic democracies of the West, the effects on Western societies caused by the growing immigration from non-Christian civilizations, and the problems that have occurred between civilizations as the result of the renaissance of religion in many non-western societies. The archive is engaged in an intensive international cooperation for research into these problems. Thus, in the Spring of 2004 and at the archive’s initiative, an international research network was founded consisting of scholars from German, Austrian, and Italian universities, and from various other scholarly organizations.